Daily Archives: September 12, 2008

Woolly meets the Harlot!!!!!

Saturday was Fantastic (Ok so I’ve been really slow in posting, but I’ve been in Eastbourne all week without a computer I can blog on). I spent the day at the I Knit Day and went to the great talk by the Yarn Harlot and had her sign my books for me. We sang mysterious songs known only to Canadians, and I had to congratulate her on her pronunciation, it took me almost 8 years until I could pronounce the word “Arse” rather than saying “Ass”.

Woolly and the Yarn Harlot Yarn Harlot Yarn Harlot

I headed up early and had breakfast with loads of Socktopods at the Regency Cafe before heading over to join the queue. Unlike last year I was not third in line so that has to be an improvement.

The hall was beautiful and the extra space made it feel less crowded than last year’s event. Thanks to Ravelry I have met so many people and kept running into people I’ve met through it. There were people I’ve met through Socktopus, the Stitch and Bitch group from Brighton, friends from the East Sussex Weaving Guild, and even somebody I knew from work.

Jo (who was pushing gorgeous dyed rovings) had Luke visiting her. Woolly had a good visit with them and as I was doing a spinning workshop on Sunday with Diane I persuaded myself to have another roving (my new one is in darker purples and blues, this one is one I caved in to the week before)

Jo and Luke Woolly and Luke Roving

I won a silent auction that the Knitting and Crochet Guild was holding and it was a skein from The Yarn Yard. While I was opening it Natalie from The Yarn Yard was walking by so Woolly had to thank her in person.
Yarn Yard Natalie

I also got a chance to meet Yarnissima who was visiting with the Dutch Knitters group. Unfortunately I had decided at the last minute not to bring my La Digitessa since I had decided to pull out the heel and go to a 2.25mm so it will fit better.

Ended off a great day thanks to Alice who loaned me her sofa bed for the night.

All together a great day and thanks to Gerard and Craig for a wonderful day… I wonder what they have planned for next year?

I am being really bad about my Secret Pal 12 Questions of the week so I will have a quick update to catch me up.

Question of the Week #10
What Olympic event would best describe you knitting/knitting style?

Definately not the speed events, I suppose it would have to be an endurance event. And as I like to take my knitting commuting (even though it is currently a sock as my commuting knitting I am sure large shawls would work just as well) so I’ll go for Open Water swimming – a sport I didn’t even know existed until this last Olympics.

Question #11
What is the best thing you’ve ever received in the mail/post?

I’ve loved the swap parcels I’ve received but I will have to be honest and say the best thing was getting my passport back with my leave to remain visa as it had been 9 months while it was being processed.

Question #12
I’m sure most of us have a proudest moment when it comes to knitting. A project or technique that you’ve tackled and completed beautifully. What is your proudest knitting moment??

I would have to say that my Spring Shawl has to be the thing I’m proudest of… and all the ribbons didn’t hurt either. It took 18 months but it is a real heirloom project.
Spring Shawl
And on the flip side? What is the one thing that you can’t get right? What is that one project that you’ve never been able to complete? Or that you did complete but then hid away instantly because it was too embarrassing?
I took a vest (waistcoat) knitting workshop about 10-12 years ago and it was purple Collinette Fandango – When alternating between balls I was told to cut the yarn each time and even if it hadn’t looked dreadful the thought of sewing in all those ends in Chenille would have turned me off it.

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Filed under Knitting, Secret Swap 12